
EOSC-SYNERGY – How to get Ressources#

Shares of the infrastructure (Ressources, Quota) is allocated by each participating computer centre to a specific VO.

If you are the Manager of a VO, one of your duties is to convince computer centres to support your VO. In general this is a matter of negotiation between a Virtual Organisation and a computer centre, and may involve writing applications, joint grants, or other.

In addition to this EOSC Synergy may allocate specific ressources for specific Virtual Organisations for a limited amount of time. This is particularly the case for the GPU resources.

To request access to resources, please send a request, including the following information to pmb-eosc-synergy@listas.csic.es:

Type of Application you need to run:
- Short description of the application / its requirements
- Planned publications

Type of ressources needed (CPU, GPU, Large Memory)

Amount of ressources needed (in total, not per Job)
- CPUh
- Storage (Temporary, Permanent)
- Network (Bandwidth, total transfer)

Amount of time required