
Cloud Infrastructure#

The infrastructure is built on top of the EGI Federated Cloud. This provides:

  • Virtual Machine
  • Monitoring
  • Accounting
  • Consistent Authentication and Authorisation
  • Clear Procedures and professional Change Management

(For links to these, see the infrastructure section.)

Documentation for EGI FedCloud:#

Virtual Infrastructures#

Based on Federated Cloud Infrastructures, Virtual Infrastructures can be provisioned. Since this is a more complex task, only admin users are supposed to do this. The idea is that admin users will allocate and instantiate virtual infrastructures on behalf of their thematic service.

Virtual Organisations#

Virtual Organisations (VOs) are used to form communities and to allocate infrastructure to them. In EOSC-Synergy, we have (this is in progress) one Virtual Organisation per Thematic Service. Most of our Computer centres support all of the synergy thematic services.