

New: We have now a moodle course on Top Tools Every EOSC Synergy Developer Should Know

Cloud-compute / Virtual Machines#

  • Infrastructure Manager Dashboard (IM) is an easy to use web interface. It allows guided creation of “virtual infrastructure” on the EGI Federated Cloud part of EOSC Synergy. As such, it simplifies tasks such as:

    • creation of individual Virtual Machines (VMs)
    • creation of complex virtual infrastructures IM

    IM is well documented in the GRyCAP YouTube channel.

  • The EOSC Synergy Openstack Dashboard allows direct login to one of the OpenStack sites of the EOSC Synergy cloud resources.

  • fedcloudclient is a commandline interface to the federated cloud. Useful documentation is available the fedcloudclient tutorial

  • Dynamic DNS service (docs) enables users to register meaningful, memorable hostnames then assign them to services deployed in Cloud, so users can access services that are dynamically deployed in Cloud via pre-registered URLs/hostnames. Documentation is available .

  • EOSC Performance (docs|marketplace)

  • SLA Monitor shows the currently active quota for each VO at all sites.

  • Flavour Monitor show the available flavours of the available Openstack installations.


While OpenStack already includes ways to access storage, this section contains more storage-focussed tools.

  • rclone is a command line program to manage files on cloud storage. It was developed outside of the EOSC context, but allows using a large amount of protocols.

  • Object Storage: We are providing documentation and tools on how to use rclone with the EOSC-Synergy Infrastructure here


You will be able to use ssh with OpenID-Connect. Documentation here